Art’s Proven Track Record

  • Guaranteed and viable curriculum for all
    • Implemented a District-wide, evidence-based curriculum in Spanish and English aligned to state standards and supported by instructional coaches, collaborative planning, and individualized interventions.
  • Impressive gains in student achievement
    • In 8 years, students meeting or exceeding state standards in English and Math rose by 15% and 9%, respectively.
    • Last year, our district reached the 91st state percentile in Math and 84th in English.
  • Closing achievement gaps
    • The lowest quartile of 2nd graders from 2019 have shown 5-year National Percentile growth of 65% in Math and 50% in reading.
  • Full-day kindergarten implemented
  • Increased student engagement
    • Student engagement improved by 11% over 6 years (Humanex surveys).
  • Stable budget projections
    • 9 years ago, cash reserves were projected to be depleted in 4-5 years. Closing two underutilized schools saved $5 million/year, setting our district on a path of financial stability.
  • Reduced operating expenses
    • Renovations to all our buildings are eliminating high maintenance costs from aging infrastructure.
  • Sold Lincoln School
    • We used the proceeds from Lincoln School to fund renovations; and, by selling the property, we have increased the tax rolls.
  • Increasing cash reserves
    • When renovations are further along, we can consider tax abatements.
  • Self-funded renovations of two middle schools
    • Savings from closing underutilized schools funded renovations of our middle schools without increasing taxes.
  • Renovating 5 elementary schools
    • After earning the trust of the community, we passed a referendum with 72% approval to fund renovations of 5 elementary schools.
  • Enhanced security at all our buildings
    • $6 million from the referendum is allocated for security improvements
  • Repaired relations with our unions
    • Transformed union relations to mutual respect and collaborative problem solving as evidenced by settling the last teacher’s contract in record time with 98% approval.
  • Evidence-based culture and continuous improvement
    • Instilled an evidenced-based culture to drive decision-making and increase student growth
    • Implemented management systems for continuous academic improvement and building management including instructional coaching, collaborative planning, and data driven student interventions.
  • “Destination District” for educators
    • Earned a reputation as a “Destination District” during a nationwide educator shortage, aiding in recruiting top talent.
  • Record Satisfaction and Engagement amongst staff
    • Staff satisfaction and engagement improved by 19% over 6 years (Humanex surveys).
  • Improved family engagement
    • Family engagement doubled over 6 years. (Humanex surveys)
  • Innovative Geothermal HVAC systems
    • The first district in Illinois to install an innovative geothermal HVAC system in three schools saving millions of dollars.
  • Overnight ice chiller HVAC system at Braeside
    • This system uses cheap, plentiful overnight electricity to cool the building during the day
  • Solar panels across the district
    • Installing solar panels on most of our buildings